One of the fashion items that also can never be far away from women is the bag. The thing this one does not escape the onslaught of the weaker sex, and if you have this, it seems the price does not become a problem that means anymore.
Evidenced by the collection of bags from famous brands with the exorbitant prices, is still selling well invaded his fans. And the more powerful the more, the bag can also be a symbol of social status, both men and women.
But, have you ever thought about the origin of a handbag or better known by the term alien is handbag? Handbag has become important objects in everyday life, it started since people have been having an valuable objects that must always be taken anywhere. First explanation of this is in the 14th century, although in ancient Egyptian writing is mentioned that the Egyptians of that age have been wearing waist bag wherever they go. Waist bag is also used as a belt worn at the waist they are very tight. Embroidery and jewelry found in a bag will show the social status of the wearer, because it shows the increasingly difficult process of making these bags.
In the 16th century, handbags were created more practical for everyday use. The material is made of leather with a button fastener on it. During this period, traveling bag made with a larger form and are used by travelers in a way bring it in a position to intersect in the body. While in the 17th century its development has been more variable again, until the fashionable men and women who will carry a small bag with a model of an increasingly diverse in every opportunity. Young women also began to create embroidery-embroidery, which is also desperately needed when they get married, until more and more the result of very beautiful handicrafts and unique applied to the bag.
But, have you ever thought about the origin of a handbag or better known by the term alien is handbag? Handbag has become important objects in everyday life, it started since people have been having an valuable objects that must always be taken anywhere. First explanation of this is in the 14th century, although in ancient Egyptian writing is mentioned that the Egyptians of that age have been wearing waist bag wherever they go. Waist bag is also used as a belt worn at the waist they are very tight. Embroidery and jewelry found in a bag will show the social status of the wearer, because it shows the increasingly difficult process of making these bags.
In the 16th century, handbags were created more practical for everyday use. The material is made of leather with a button fastener on it. During this period, traveling bag made with a larger form and are used by travelers in a way bring it in a position to intersect in the body. While in the 17th century its development has been more variable again, until the fashionable men and women who will carry a small bag with a model of an increasingly diverse in every opportunity. Young women also began to create embroidery-embroidery, which is also desperately needed when they get married, until more and more the result of very beautiful handicrafts and unique applied to the bag.
Neo-classical fashion trends become very popular in the 18th century, with models clothes that are more open to women. Thus, the use of a small bag or purse would ruin the terms of its foreign fashion theme of this neo-classical. Therefore, the style-conscious women began to carry their handbags. Women have the kind of bag that is different for each activity, and this is reinforced by the explanations of women's magazine that explains about this. But, of all types of bags that are owned by women, there is one similarity, in which ordinary found objects such as lipstick, powder, hand fan, perfume, purses, etc.
The use of "handbag" was first present in the early 1900s, and originally the term is used to travel bag carried by portable and is usually carried by men. This is the inspiration for the bags that end it were very popular among women, complete with buttons a little tricky, and also key. In the 1920s shows a revolution in the fashion world, where the bag no longer have to always be in accordance with the clothing worn.
Meanwhile, in the 1940s show simplicity in dress, including a handbag business, In the 50s showed a very significant improvement for the designers, including Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermes. And the 60's show changes from classical style to the style more younger people.
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